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<pre class="wp-block-verse">Persist and sustain

refrain from pain.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Here we go again

Same idiot as last week

Waiting to greet me 

A lurped plastic grin &amp; two left feet
with a sensor that can't sense defeat.

with yesterdays intentions


todays indecision

to bash me against the head again.
Wearing out that fugly old faux grin

worn last week by another friend .

Hey there, 

here's my back, 

stab it again.

Don't worry I know when to say win


don't know how long I can pretend

that I don't know how u screw me over
Whenever I am cursed to see you again .

What a lying whore of a word

Perfect for such a similar turd. Ha

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<figure class="wp-block-image size-large is-resized"><img src="https://chaosofcaptivity.files.wordpress.com/2022/11/3dacd097-36d1-43c3-86cc-20bc5aaeebea.gif?w=1024" alt="" class="wp-image-1344" width="461" height="258"/></figure>

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