
Showing posts from November, 2022

Gpio pins : introduction

What Are GPIO Pins Or General Purpose Input Output? February 21, 2018 What Are GPIO Pins Or General Purpose Input Output? I am hacked and I have no knowledge of anything as I’ve realized sadly.So I have learned it step-by-step and write it here please excuse the typos and downright play duration right now I’m gonna go over and fix it Today’s we are going to talk about GPIO Pins, the way to conquer the world. Well, at least to run the world.   I always like to start out with a science joke. This neutron walks into a bar and sits down at the bar and he asked the bartender, well I’d like a beer how much? And the bartender looks at him and says, no charge … 😉 Back to our topic, GPIO Pins. GPIO stands for General Purpose Input Output. And today we’re going to talk about what are GPIO Pins, and what are some of the real uses. How to read values and some of the things you might want to control with GPIO Pins.  But first let’s start out with, what is a GPIO Pin?  They are Genera...